Professional Restaurant/Bar Marketing

Professional branding photography showcases your services, value, style & uniqueness to set you apart in Asheville's saturated food service industry.

Your visual representation of yourself and your business is your potential clients first impression of you....

Good or Bad.

.You’ve heard the word “branding shoot” tossed around left and right, but you’re still not sold that you need one yet. The saying “a picture speaks a thousand words” has never been more true than in this digital era, now all of the emphasis is on visuals – you want to visually brand yourself in a way that makes people want to immediately stop scrolling and see more of what you’re about.

Professional branding photography is the part of the marketing for your brand helps to show your customers who you are and allows them to get to know you.

A strong marketing campaign is the backbone of a successful business. 70% of the marketing campaign of the restaurants is done online. Food photography plays a vital role in promoting the restaurants through online advertisements. This is the reason for the owners of the restaurants to invest in food photography. For acquiring excellent results, hiring a food photographer is necessary.

Here are 5 reasons you should hire a Professional Branding Photographer



I know that I’m a much more visually driven person than some; however, when I pull up a website and see grainy, unprofessional, inconsistent photos, chances are that I’m clicking off of it pretty quickly.

You know what they say about first impressions: they stick. And you wouldn’t want to be stuck with a lousy label, so strive to make a great first impression online. It all starts with your website, where images should speak for themselves.

Their function should be to draw the customers’ attention, whet their appetite, and trigger visual hunger. If their first contact with you is with your high-quality, mouth-watering photos, they’ll remember your restaurant.

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in the case of your online presence, that first impression could be worth thousands of dollars for your business. Your headshots and pictures matter. You’ve likely seen restaurant photos that made you cringe, you don't want to give future customers that feeling, do you?!?


It increases sales!

 Photos allow you to advertise your dishes in multiple ways. You can choose to feature a professional photo of each meal, or you can highlight your most profitable and popular dishes with exceptional images.

That way, customers will be more inclined to order them as opposed to the others because the image will draw their attention. Similarly, you can highlight dishes your chef is famous for, or your specials and promotions.

This has become a huge trend in digital marketing, especially recently – you should be using your brand images to create a connection with your customer.

"In real estate, agents are not just selling properties, they're selling themselves."


You're spending money to make money.

Across the board, quality photography is going to help your business drive sales, without a doubt. So while it may seem like a pretty large initial investment, imagine how quickly that investment will come back to you. In my business, I’ve found that the investments that I was the most hesitant to make are absolutely the ones that yielded the biggest results. If you start updating your social media with bright, crisp, and cohesive images, you will absolutely grow in followers + engagement, which in turn brings you more potential business.


It appeals to customer emotions!

Photos trigger an emotional impact, and culinary photography is no different. Naturally, the feeling you want to trigger is desire. Customers should take one look at your food photos and say, “I want that!”

Having professionally shot food photos will trigger an instant response in the customer’s subconscious. They’re going to want to taste the dish ASAP, thus placing an online order, booking a table, or simply visiting your restaurant.

Building a strong, professional & trustworthy online presence in this day and age is SOOO important.


Customers Visualize Tastiness!

Customers are automatically attracted to high-quality pictures of food. When you post such photos on your social media pages and website, customers will want to visit your restaurant or make an online order. This helps increase your overall sales.

So what are you waiting for?!?