Real Estate Branding

Personal branding photography showcases your services, value, style & uniqueness to set you apart from every other Real Estate Agent

Your visual representation of yourself and your business is your potential clients first impression of you....

Good or Bad.

.You’ve heard the word “branding shoot” tossed around left and right, but you’re still not sold that you need one yet. The saying “a picture speaks a thousand words” has never been more true than in this digital era, now all of the emphasis is on visuals – you want to visually brand yourself in a way that makes people want to immediately stop scrolling and see more of what you’re about.

Personal branding photography is part of the marketing for your brand helps to show your customers who you are and allows them to get to know you.

This point is definitely a big part of where hiring a professional comes into play – if you’re going to be in front of the camera, you want someone behind it who can make you feel comfortable, at ease, pose you and who can work with you to let your truly beautiful personality

 shine through in your photos!

Here are 5 reasons you should hire a Professional Branding Photographer



I know that I’m a much more visually driven person than some; however, when I pull up a website and see grainy, unprofessional, inconsistent photos, chances are that I’m clicking off of it pretty quickly. Heashots and branding photos are more than just pretty pictures, they tell the story of your personal brand and set expectations for customers. Buyers and sellers want to hire an agent who is on top of their game, professional, and knows how to go the extra mile. If you can’t be bothered to spend an hour working with a professional photographer to get a headshot, buyers will assume that you are not going to make extra efforts to help them, either. 

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in the case of your online presence, that first impression could be worth thousands of dollars for your business. Your headshots and pictures matter. You’ve likely seen real estate head shots that made you cringe, you don't want to give future clients that feeling, do you?!?


Gives your ideal clients a sense of who you are & create a connection with you.

 Professional headshot’s assist in building trust with your clients. Building trust isn’t just knowing a lot about real estate and about the current market, it’s also built by visually showing them who you are. Having a professional presence in your marketing materials & online is essential in today’s marketplace. The more they see you, the more trustworthy you become to them. Let your images help build your relationship with your clients.

This has become a huge trend in digital marketing, especially recently – you should be using your brand images to create an emotional connection with your client.

I have a general shot list that I use as a foundation when constructing my branding session but I take time to ask questions, do some research and learn about you as a person so I can customize your session to fully represent you as a person, not just as a REALTOR. I'm a storyteller and I was your passions, personality & professionalism to shine through in your final images.

"In real estate, agents are not just selling properties, they're selling themselves."


You're spending money to make money.

Across the board, quality photography is going to help your business drive sales, without a doubt. So while it may seem like a pretty large initial investment, imagine how quickly that investment will come back to you – in my business, I’ve found that the investments that I was the most hesitant to make are absolutely the ones that yielded the biggest results. If you start updating your social media with bright, crisp, and cohesive images, you will absolutely grow in followers + engagement, which in turn brings you more potential clients.


Creates credability and builds consistent brand awarenss.

By investing in a cohesive brand look, you’re immediately conveying the message that your brand is about quality, that you’re not afraid to invest in yourself, so therefore other people should be thrilled to invest in you. Once you do have really beautiful branding photography, keep it consistent. Nothing kills me more than seeing a social media site with a bunch of high-quality and beautiful imagery, and then a couple of random cell phone photos thrown in the mix. Not only are you confusing your client, who has come to expect a certain caliber of content from you, but you’re also devaluing the beautiful images that you paid so much for.

Building a strong, professional & trustworthy online presence in this day and age is SOOO important.

You want to be the first to come to mind when someone you know is looking to buy or sell property. New, fresh and cohesive content helps you create quality and credibility within your online presence.  I have quite a few clients who book personal branding sessions once a month, because they find that my sessions are valuable to their business! Your personal branding images can go anywhere from business cards to billboards. They can be used to update your Instagram, Facebook, website, and ads. There are a lot of different opinions on how often you should show up personally on your social media + emails if you are a primarily a service based business. You want to fresh on your target audience's mind when they think of real estate, this will also lead to your sphere consistently feeding your personal referrals.

Another important element of personal branding photos is that in a full personal branding session, you’re not only going to get amazing photos of you in action and fresh headshots, but you’ll also get incredible photos to fill the headers on your blogs and websites. A personal branding session is so much more than just you smiling at the camera, instead it’s meant to completely showcase everything about who you are and what you do. Your website and social media should be fully equipped to tell the complete story of you and your business, and a good personal branding photography session gives you exactly the tools you need to get that done.


Because you're worth it & your brand is worth it.

You have worked so hard on your business and your brand. You deserve to look & feel amazing and share with the world what a badass boss you are. Your confidence gives your clients confidence in you. Branding sessions absolutely boost you personal and professional confidence.

As a REALTOR, you ARE your brand! You are worth all the good things in life

So what are you waiting for?!?


How often should you do a personal branding session?

The answer to that question is totally up to you, your budget, and your business needs! For real estate professionals, who usually need a strong online presence which requires consistent and cohesive content, I recommend more frequent sessions. I offer monthly and quarterly packages for this purpose.


This totally depends on what your goals from the session are – SO, I’d say the first thing you should prepare for your session is a list of goals you hope to achieve during your personal branding session. Are you wanting to create a massive stock of photos of your friendly, approachable, and beautiful face to use on your website and social media? Are you wanting to create visual content for your next five blog posts? Do you want photos of yourself in action, being your badass business-doing self?

Take this opportunity to get fresh! Get you hair, nails & makeup done. Men; get a trim, shape up the facial hair and chose a fresh suit of business attire.

Consider the props you'll need for the looks you want to capture. I'll discuss all of this with you after I have created your custom shot list.